Story about HIV AIDS , Addison Disease, Cervical Dystonia / Spasmodic Torticollis.

Me I guess

May 7, 2020

By: Boyello

Year Condition Began: 1993

I was a freah 26yr old whin I sero-converted to HIV I found out in 94 officially. My cd4's were above 1100, so I knew when and where and from whom I got it the previous autumn. I usually got tested every six months sometimes less. Being safe so I thought with the knowledge I grew up with in the 80's. The guy I was seeing loved and said he was negative and took advantage of me one night when I was too drunk to drive home, so I aske if I could stay over. He basically forced himself on me and I think that was when he seeded me. I have no hard angry feelings about contracting HIV but how it was against my will.

After I found out i was positive. I called those whom I was with last six months, of the ones I had numbers to, but I became a total bottom at that point and didn't use protection either figure couldn't get much worse than HIV. Wasn't educated on STD as a kid.

Anyway. I did a lot of therapy to let go of my complaints and issues and kept from most people. I joined a support group and that was were I felt comfortable with others dealing with the same issues.

That's a touch now. I have 26 years experience. I've been celibate for 10 and finally decided to take a chance on meeting people or going out then this damn disease is flying around. I was more nervous about syphilis than anything else at this point, now Covid-19.

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Story about HIV AIDS

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