Story about Hydrocephalus .

My trip to nothing

Jul 28, 2017

I have had hydrocephalus since birth (now 23). Until my 21 anniversary everything was normal. Sometimes I needed surgery to renew things but I could function like anybody else. After my 21, everything changed. Extreme nausia, dizziness, lethargic at times, really bad headaches, pressure on the eyes and head makes it realy difficult to function. I can't work anymore and I have someone to help me in the house. Doctors says that, after 17 operations, operating can now be deadly because of my brainchambres are stiffning up... It would be a normal process if you have the condition since birth.. Medication isnt a solution for me because a react negativly on them. I have to live with my daily symptoms now wich is a daily struggle. I try to be happy but the fact that its all new (big difference with my life before) makes it hard to accept. Hope you have a little beter life?

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