Story about Hyperemesis Gravidarum .

My HG Journey

Aug 21, 2017

By: Samantha

On November 8, 2016 I got a positive pregnancy test after many failed attempts to getting pregnant and 3 miscarriages. By November 20th I was vomiting for everything, even water. My first OB told me it was normal morning sickness, then I started dropping weight like crazy. By January I had already lost 15lbs and counting. I switched offices and got diagnosed on the same day I had my first appointment. I had to go on disability leave from my job by January 27th and wasn't able to do anything because of how weak I was. My first ER visit was in December for fluids and Metochlopromide also known as Reglan. Every week from that day forward I was in the hospital. I was admitted in January for the first of many times due to weight loss dehydration and severe vomiting. By February my OB got me into a home health care program that sent a nurse to my house weekly to administer meds and fluids for me, and also start me on a reglan pump. It helped tremendously for about a month then I was back in the hospital for another admission and found out I had lost even more weight. I could barely move anywhere by myself let alone shower. My husband was a godsend during this entire pregnancy for helping me walk, shower, shave my legs, wash my hair. He worked 2 jobs, 7 days a week and then came home to help me every single day. House work wasn't even an option for me. I was sleeping all day long in between vomit sessions and walking outside and downstairs to my car for appointments was the longest and only times I had been outdoors. Around 23 weeks it started to let up and I was able to enjoy about a week of food, no water but Arnold Palmers and outside time with family and friends. Fast forward to April, around my birthday and 50 hospital visits later, I was diagnosed with a gallbladder issue, was admitted for a week because that made everything worse! Surgeon decided to wait until after I had the baby to remove it, still waiting on the appointment for surgery due to c-section, so I had to stay longer to get on a diet routine. Then I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes around 28 weeks. That only made matters worse for me. I already had a hard time keeping anything down, water was my arch nemesis and now I had to follow a strict diet to make sure the baby would be healthy at the time of delivery. Doctors set an induction date for me. I was originally due July 19, 2017. They were going to induce me at 39 weeks but then I got worse right at the end. They ended up inducing me at 38 weeks on July 5, 2017. I spent 54 hours in Labor before we decided to have a c section. My beautiful baby girl was born July 8, 2017 @ 3:41am weighing 6lbs 1oz and 20inches long. HG was a distant memory as soon as I had her. It disappeared right away and I drank about 3 gallons of water that same day! The journey was rough, but so worth everything I went through! I started out my pregnancy weighing 230lbs and ended at 190. Still losing weight and I'm 6 weeks postpartum. It's worth the wait worth the tears worth every hospital visit and worth every penny spent on insurance! Hang in there ladies. Please, if you have any questions at all or need numbers to doctors or home health care in my area, I will gladly give them to you! Or help you find someone near you! Keep your head up, and remember you're amazing, beautiful, and one of the strongest women out there going through this! You are not alone! ❤️

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