Can people with Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis work? What kind of work can they perform?

See how people with experience in Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis give their opinion about whether people with Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis can work and what kind of jobs are more appropriated for people with Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis

Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis jobs

Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis (ISS) is a rare condition characterized by the narrowing of the airway in the subglottic region of the throat. It is considered idiopathic because the exact cause is unknown. This condition can lead to breathing difficulties, voice changes, and other respiratory symptoms.

When it comes to work, individuals with Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis can certainly pursue employment and have successful careers. However, the type of work they can perform may depend on the severity of their condition, the impact on their breathing, and any associated complications.

1. Office-based jobs: Many individuals with Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis can comfortably work in office-based settings. These jobs typically involve administrative tasks, customer service, data entry, or other desk-based responsibilities. These roles often do not require physical exertion or prolonged speaking, which can be challenging for individuals with breathing difficulties or voice changes.

2. Remote or telecommuting jobs: With the rise of remote work opportunities, individuals with Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis can explore jobs that allow them to work from the comfort of their own homes. Remote jobs can include various roles such as content writing, graphic design, software development, virtual assistance, and more. These positions often rely on computer-based tasks and communication through written messages or video calls, minimizing the impact of voice changes.

3. Creative professions: Some individuals with Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis may find fulfillment in creative professions that do not heavily rely on vocal communication. These can include careers in photography, painting, graphic design, illustration, or other visual arts. These roles allow individuals to express their creativity and talents without being hindered by voice-related challenges.

4. Entrepreneurship: Starting a business or becoming self-employed can provide individuals with Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis with the flexibility and control over their work environment. They can tailor their business to accommodate their specific needs and limitations. This can include online businesses, consulting services, e-commerce, or any other venture that aligns with their skills and interests.

5. Supportive roles: Individuals with Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis can also consider careers in supportive roles where they assist others in their work. This can include roles such as virtual assistants, project coordinators, research assistants, or administrative support. These positions allow individuals to contribute to the success of a team or organization without being solely responsible for extensive vocal communication.

It is important to note that the impact of Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis can vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience more severe symptoms and limitations, while others may have milder cases. It is crucial for individuals with this condition to work closely with their healthcare providers to manage their symptoms and determine the most suitable work options.

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Fourteen surgeries from 1994 to 2005 including @ 8 microlaryngoscopies, 2 tracheotomy placements and removals, an LTR and a CTR. The story is very long and complicated.

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