Story about Interstitial Cystitis .

10 years and still fighting

Aug 14, 2017

By: NatalieH

I was diagnosed with IC when I was 10 years old, a year later my periods started. I remember my parents pushing and pushing the doctors for an answer. They kept trying to turn us away but my parents kept pushing.

Eventually I saw a specialist and after some tests at aged 10 I was diagnosed with IC. The doctor gave my parents a leaflet and that was it. Since then I've just had to fight this with my family. 

I now have an amazing doctor who understands the condition. Plus the support from my family,  friends, boyfriend and work is amazing. I keep a hot water bottle at work and my colleague's help me with I have a flare. 


I've made some diet changes and it has really helped me. I suffer with UTIs as well and kept them under control as well.

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