Question - Intracranial Hypertension


Anyone here from Wales?

Asked 7 years ago Welshwitch13 30

hi everyone. Is anyone here from Wales suffering with intercranial hypertension? 

4 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

I am in Nashville TN, USA

Answered 7 years ago Amy 31

Hey Amy how are you? My name is Jo & I'm from South Wales in the uk. I'm 37 & was diagnosed in 1999 after many years of complaining of headaches vision problems etc. can I ask what your experience is? 


Answered 7 years ago Welshwitch13 30

Hi, I'm in The Rhondda Valleys 

Answered 7 years ago Clair Morgan 10

IIH UK regional groups are a good way to meet locals with IIH x

Answered 6 years ago Clare IIH UK 10
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