What is the history of Keratoconus?

When was Keratoconus discovered? What is the story of this discovery? Was it coincidence or not?

History of Keratoconus
2 answers
I don’t have the history

Posted Nov 2, 2017 by Terry 3050

History of Keratoconus

Keratoconus life expectancy

What is the life expectancy of someone with Keratoconus?

7 answers
Celebrities with Keratoconus

Celebrities with Keratoconus

1 answer
Is Keratoconus hereditary?

Is Keratoconus hereditary?

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Is Keratoconus contagious?

Is Keratoconus contagious?

3 answers
Natural treatment of Keratoconus

Is there any natural treatment for Keratoconus?

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ICD9 and ICD10 codes of Keratoconus

ICD10 code of Keratoconus and ICD9 code

3 answers
Living with Keratoconus

Living with Keratoconus. How to live with Keratoconus?

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Keratoconus diet

Keratoconus diet. Is there a diet which improves the quality of life of peo...

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Stories of Keratoconus

Keratoconus stories
Empezó a los once años, faltaban unos meses para cumplir los doce. Un día me di cuenta de que veían "raro", veía doble. Me di cuenta cuando, al mirar a la pizarra en clase, veía una doble línea de letras, palabras o números. Fui a varios méd...
Keratoconus stories
Hi I had Keratoconus when I was 15. Since I discovered that there's shortages of donors in our country and the procedures are so costly it has been very difficult. Everytime I have to look at a computer screen at school I have to be an inch close eve...
Keratoconus stories
2004 - PKP (Full Thickness) transplant (right eye) 2014 - DALK transplant (left eye)
Keratoconus stories
My Daughter has KC in both eyes. We picked up she was having problems in 2013 - she was 8yrs old, but didnt realize it was Keratoconus, that it was a progressive disease or that it needed urgent treatment. Upon a second eye check up with the optometr...
Keratoconus stories
hi i was diagnosed at aged 23 a month before my 24th birthday its in both eyes at age 24 i had cross linking in my right eye which worked and 3 years ago 2013 i had a graft on my right eye but have had complications such as high pressure and a large ...

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