Question - Klinefelter Syndrome


Girlfriend of someone with Kleinfelter Syndrome

Asked 4 years ago Diana 70

Hello my Name is Diana and I am in a relationship with someone who has Kleinfelter's.


Sometimes I feel like my boyfriend is going down a path in his head where I can't follow. At these times everything I do or say is bad and I am the awful person who does not understand him and makes fun of him. Does anybody have any tips on how to deal with this?


Thank you 


5 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Hi Diana, can you be more specific on what he is doing or not doing please?


Answered 4 years ago Ash 1120

Hello Ash, 

We normally have a very jokingly way of talking to one another. But yesterday for example, from one second to the next his mood went from laughing to telling me I'm making fun of him and that he can't cope with this stress and he completely shut me out and started an argument. Telling me I was insensitive to his condition and didn't understand him. Not 20 minutes before that we where cuddling and he told me how comfortable he felt with me and that I am so understanding.


Answered 4 years ago Diana 70

KS is a spectrum disorder and is very akin to autism / aspergers so it's quite likely from what you are saying is that he has some of those traits.

As a KS male with aspergers I can relate to what he is doing; I get like this with my partner but not with any of my other female friends - it's like I know I can get away with it with my partner but not my friends; I get like it when my T levels are low close to my next injection -  I get crabby, paranoid, have anxiety - feel lost, defensive.

He may feel like I do at times, wants to scream but doesn't know how.

It might be worthwhile getting him to do the online autism test - this is what I did and "passed".

I have been with my partner for 15 years - she partly understands my KS but in no way understands my aspergers.


Answered 4 years ago Ash 1120

Diana, is your boyfriend on Testosterone replacement? Sometimes I(we) get overwhelmed and need a time-out. When he gets like this give him some space, he'll come back around.


Answered 4 years ago John Van Den Akker 530

Yes he is. His next injection is at the end of August, so he is running low on testo I suppose 

Answered 4 years ago Diana 70
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