Story about Klinefelter Syndrome .

XXY- X and Y Variants

Feb 11, 2016

By: Tom

The medical community is getting away from putting labels on us as men with Klinefelter Syndrome. Some of us identify ourselves with being men, women, Trans or Intersex, We no longer want to be placed into boxes so we are getting away from labels and feel more accepted when we talk about ourselves as X and Y variants, ie xxy, xyy, xxyy, xxxy and so on.

I'm here to help with any difficluties or to point you in a direction that may help you improve your life experiences. 

I was first dianosed at age 24 just out of College at which time all my teachers and educators said I would never succeed at but they were wrong. I even wnet back 23 years later to school to become a Licensed Massage Therapist in the State of South Carolina. That latest learning situation brought back all the memories of the hard times I had in school and the hardest lession to learn is how to multi task. I learn much better if I visually look at a problem first rather then someone explaining it to me. I excel in Art as a young kid and now as a Massage Therapist I can see what I'm doing on my clients and feel how the muscles release under my hands. Same thing for us and we seem to excel in jobs that are very indivalized and where we can have fun and be ourselves.

Getting back to my dianoses, I didn't start Testosterone treatment until 10 years after which probably inhibited my bone density enough to be dianosed with Osteopenia but with todays meds I'm in the upper range for my age on their density graph, putting my bone growth at a steady rate. I now take daily applications of AndroGel 1.62% and have no effects or difficulties with this medication. I have a postive state of mine and want to help others who have any questions or just want to chat about their experiences being x and y variants.


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