Question - Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber Syndrome


Bruised clot

Asked 8 years ago Valerie 15

I was wondering if anyone has ever experienced a blood clot that has a certain place on your body where it comes and goes and if that particular clot showed signs of or became a bruise? And if so whether the blood clot stayed in place for longer than usual?

Thank you☺

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I apologize for the delay in my reply, I was not notified of your question.

We have had patients experience blood clots, and some have developed the appearance of a bruise. It is important to monitor these, especially their locations. Always be mindful of the symptoms of thrombosis and embolisms. Such as; 

1. Swelling

2. Pain

3. Tenderness

4. A warm sensation

5. A pale or bluish discoloration 

Symptoms will depend on the size of the clot, which is why you may not have any symptoms, or you might only have minor calf swelling without a lot of pain. Never massage a clot area, and seek medical help if symptoms persist or worsen.


Answered 7 years ago Rebecca Gallis RN 10
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