Story about Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome .

Hi this is Glenndens mom and Dad

Dec 31, 2015

Hi All, 

This is crystal stovall, I have a son named Glennden with lns, I also Had a brother named James whom passed at the age of 29 with lns. Glennden is 10 years old and was diagnosed at 6 months of age.  His First extraction of his teeth he was only 2 years old. His second he was 7 i believe. He still has his molars but they have not come through yet.  We go on January 29th For a feeding tube due to esophagus spasms sending food into his lungs causing micro-asperation. Glennden has ran high temps up to 105.7 speratically for several years before a video swallow study reveiled the swallowing issues that may be causing these fevers. Glennden also has problems with his bowels not moving he is on several stool softeners and enemas as needed. His daily meds include baclofen, allopurinal, diazepam, miralax, dulcolax. 


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