Question - Lyme Disease


Do you think Lyme Disease has a definitive cure?

Asked 8 years ago Daniel 137

I have been on treatment for Late Stage Lyme disease for 2 years. A lot of antibiotics, but I am not feelling well. Can antibiotics cure Late Stage Lyme Disease?

5 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

What antibiotics are you taking? 

Answered 8 years ago Denise Dorey 35

Doxicicline, cefuroxime, minocicline, tetralysal and ceftriaxone

Answered 8 years ago Daniel 137

I think you can have multiple infections. A good doctor will test for other bacteria that may need different treatment concurrent with your current treatment.

Answered 8 years ago Sherri 15

repair enzymes. never use antibiotics.

Answered 8 years ago SHG 92

If you're been on antibiotics for that long with little to no improvement I think your doctor should be looking for co-infections such as babesia, bartonella,  anaplasmosis,  etc. A good lyme literate doctor should be able to examine your symptoms to narrow down the list of what co-infection to test for or treat for.  For example, I have lyme with babesia (blood test positive for babesia ducani ).  I need to take heavy courses of anti-malarials as well. Antibiotics alone will not help me to get better because I have an active co-infection.  Antibiotic are important though,  and they do play a massive role in treating lyme, but supplements, herbs, vitamins, and minerals should also be used to support the body's systems and organs to facilitate healing as well.  There's no single definitive cure for lyme.  It takes a lot of effort and a lot of different things to get well. It's a journey, but you can get better!

Answered 7 years ago Janelle 510
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