Question - Lyme Disease


Are there more females than males with Lyme disease?

Asked 8 years ago Isabel 782

I suffer from Lyme disease, I know a few people with Lyme disease and most of them are females, do you think that gender is an important factor to develope Chronic Lyme Disease?

3 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Yes,  I think Lyme disease is a neuro immune disease. Immune system of females is different of immune system of the males. We have more autoimmune diseases. If you have a strong immune system you have low possibility to develop Chronic Lyme disease 

Answered 8 years ago Sarah 12

I have seen that the stats of the lyme stats Lyme Map of this website shows that only 18% of the sufferers are men... that seems too few for me anyway. 


Answered 8 years ago Pablo 1045

Maybe we women are more open to show and share our weakness

Also our innune system is different and tends to be low when we are having our period. Hormons fluctuation.

Answered 8 years ago SOL 23
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