Question - Madelung Deformity


Should I let my doctor know that I have madelung’s if their treating me for a broken wrist of something

Asked 5 years ago Nathan 3651

say for example I fell and I broke my wrist, should I let my doctor know about my condition? Do they have to treat it differently because of my condition?

2 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

yes you definitely have to! the disease is very complex so if you break your wrist or something, you should see a specialist who knows about madelungs and not just any doctor. 'normal' doctors will see that there's a deformity in you wrist, but they probably don't know what it is. so they will treat it differently and probably in a wrong way. my advise is to find a specialist (if you don't have one already) and if something happens, call him first. 

if you like to know more about madelungs, we have a support group on facebook: Madeling's Wrist Deformity. you can ask all of your questions there and get the support you need! 

Answered 5 years ago Ellis 621

Yes, definitely! My radiographer couldn't believe my x rays, and when he showed them to me, compared to a normal wrist I could see how deformed mine were. I am seeing a hand specialist next month who knows about the condition. I would suggest you find the same, because ordinary doctors, or even orthopedic specialists don't know enough about it. 

Answered 5 years ago Barb 10
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