Question - Meniere Syndrome


Steroid injections

Asked 8 years ago Lisa 30

i just had my first steroid injection this morning, wondering about how long it takes to feel the benefits of them? Have they helped you?

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It can take a while. I get them once a month  i believe most people get them every 3 months or so. all dr's start out different tho. Some will give at the start every 2 weeks or so to get you started. it doesn't work for everyone. It helps me a LOT! still get the dizzy's but i am not eating the floor and puking!

Answered 8 years ago Scotty 10

I get them every week or every 2 weeks (dexamethasone) depending how I feel. They are a miracle for me. I am fully functional, I work 45-55 hrs a week at a very stressful job. Theyve improved my hearing as well - I can hear at low normal - I did lose hearing in both ears - Im bilateral menieres. Ill hopefully be getting a tube in my ear in the spring so I wont have to have anymore freezing for the injections. Ive been getting the injections for 2 yrs now. 


Answered 8 years ago Adriana 10
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