Story about Meniere Syndrome .

Fighting everyday

May 31, 2016

By: Sharon

It all began one day in 2007, I woke up and there was a noise in my left ear, I thought in many things: maybe the blender (I lived in a shared house), stress, outside noise... Anyway, got up and went to uni. When I got there I realized I couldn't hear well what the lecturer said, that noise was still there. Tried to calm down, to ignore it but I was scared to be honest. The nightmare began 2 days later, when I felt this first episode of vertigo. I couldn't walk, couldn't speak, everything was spinning and I threw away a lot. After 3 long hours everything seemed to be ok, the noise was also gone but definately that was just the beginning. After medical examinations, at least 10 episodes and syntoms like brain fog, nausea and tinnitus I was finally diagnosed with Meniere disease. 

4 years of treatment (cinarizine, acetazolamide) and giving up smoking helped me and I was ok. Apparently I have just lost 20% of my left audition, so I thought that was great. But, I don't learn fast, I like things complicated. In 2014 I was under a lot of stress, nothing seemed to be fine in my life and I started to smoke again. My doctor says there's no scientifical evidence smoking affects, but sth in my life went down. Meniere was back and stronger. Tinnitus even louder, episodes once a week (at least) last about 2 hours but that dizzines could affect me for weeks. I felt depressed, I couldn't get a job because of that, I was scared of leaving home, I lived hidden in my room just waiting for another episode, honestly I couldn't find a reason to go on....

Fortunately I have this amazing people around me. They didn't let me fall and I started therapy, changed treatments at least 3 times (at the end the best results were obtained with cinarizine), gave up smoking (again), tried acupuncture, alternative medicine. I'm not sure what happens but sth worked. 

It's been one year and a half since that. I still have tinnitus (not as bad as it used to be), I can't move fast because that makes me lose my balance and I know I'm not cured, I now everything can come back anytime, but well, I'm ready to fight, I'm young and I have a lot of things to do. So, here I am, 9,000 km away from home, ready for new challenges. And yeah, I don't smoke at all ;)

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