Story about Meniere Syndrome .

I'm not drunk!

Dec 2, 2

I woke up one morning feeling fine, nothing wrong with me. I started cooking breakfast and couldn't finish because I thought I was gonna pass out. My husband finished it up while I set down confused. The rest of that day every time I got up I would get dizzy and fall. That was on a Monday by Wednesday I was at the doctors office. He told me I had some inner ear trouble and if it didn't clear up by the next week I had to go to ENT. 

The next week I was at ENT thinking I just needed tubes. I have always had ear infections. I told the dr what was going on and he wanted to do a quick test. He then told me he was pretty sure I had meniere's. I was upset to say the least and he was sending me over to their specialist for some more test. 

I went and had the test and the specialist wanted to do  gentamicin treatments. It was 3 weeks of hell for me. I was on my back for the whole time. I had trouble even walking to the bathroom and ended up in the ER. Then they didn't work but about a month. When I went back he said he would do another round. I said a very fast no thank you. Returned home and started searching for another doctor. 

I found one out of town. He tired steroid shots. When they felled to work we started with a stent surgery. It lasted for a little while. The dizziness and  nausea returned. The  Quality of my life was  deteriorating daily. So I decided to have my ear disconnected. It was the best decision for me. It worked awesome for almost 2 years. Then one day the worst dizzy spell I ever had returned. 

I am now working with my doctor and a neurologist. We are trying to see if the meniere's or migraines or both is kicking my tail these days. I've lost over half the hearing in my only remaining ear. I was proactive though. I spent those two good years learning sign language. 

If nothing else this  disease has taught me a new language. A deep love for those that do t have their ears to hear with or their eyes to see with. I appreciate the gifts God has given me so much more!

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