Story about Moyamoya .

Moyamoya doesn't own me

Feb 1, 2016

By: Pamela

  Moyamoya is a collateral artery disease tht affects the arteries in the brain causing strokes n mini strokes. There is no cure just surgery to just help with flow which is just a bandaid. This disease is progressive. It happen to infant children n adult it doesn't care about gender race or age


I had my first mini stroke on May 30 2010 when I was working on the ambulance I couldn't talk went to the hospital and had two more mini stroke they did a ct scans n found 3 silent cva. They flew me to capital health hospital in Trenton nj. They did ct MRI mra and angiogram and Dx me with mm. Stayed in icu for five days n put me on plavix and Asa   Was out of work two months. Still had Tia just lost my speech n severe migraines. Then December 30 2013 went to get my regular MRI   The hospital called me n told me I had to come to the hospital cuz I had two more silent stroke n 5 % of blood flow on left side I went to the hospital and they took me off of plavix and Asa to do the angiogram. They did tht on 12/27/13. The they did the indirect bypass on 12/30/13.  I came home on 1/6/14 very emotional. Have a little weakness in right arm still have migraines. Have to go back in June and have MRI ct scan angiogram to see it the bypass took. With this diseases u have to take one second  at time. The bypass worked have 70% of blood flow on left side. Migraine still. On Coumadin n aspirin. Went back to work on June 13. Still getting adjusted.  U have to be-careful to sleep well hydrated don't get to hot or stressed or ur symptom  of disablity/ fatigue/ headaches /weakness could come back. Also on Coumadin  7.5 mg ,325 mg of Asa which has it's own side affect. This summer is hell for me due to not being regulate my temperature and the heat and trying to stay hydrated. But I'm alive and doing what I love. 


Went and had my check up done in December 2014 the blood flow is stable. Stay on 7.5 mg of Coumadin and 325 mg of asa. Go see a migraine specialist. He said will do a angiogram in June 2015 to see if blood flow is the same. If it is I could possibly come off the Coumadin  

Update from the angiogram the blood flow is the same which is good   But doctor doesn't want me to come off of Coumadin 


MRI in 2/2016 will keep u updated 

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