Story about Moyamoya .

Diana's story

Feb 12, 2016

By: Diana

I had my first stroke in 1996, after giving birth to my 3rd child.  Olny saw the the OB dr, however my mom being a RN got me thru it.  Symptoms lasted a little over 2 weeks.  The next stroke happened after  having a migraine, went to the Dr and they basically gave me Imatrex and sent me home that was about 8 years after the first stroke.  Then about 7 years ago I was going thru some massive stress, and had 3 in about a month, where they did TPA on one and from that point on have memory loss, I also did rehab, and my adult daughter had to move home.  It took me a few  months to recover.  Then in January of 2014, on New Year's day I had a stroke while at work, I was unable to leave cuz of a snow storm.  The next day after falling off my bed, my husband took me to the hospital, I was released, same the next day, but the 3rd day they sent me to a different hospital, and on the 4th day I was there the dr had me do a different MRI, that day he told me I was going to need to do the test over.  at the time I did not know he was stalling for time.  I had told a nurse that I was having episodes that I didnt know what they were.  they ended up being seizures of which I had over 40 while in the hospital, most within a half hour after eating.  I chose not to continue bothering the nurse with it, who also did not write anything in the chart.  A week after being discharged I went to my neurologist and asked her about them, getting that nurse in trouble ad giving me a new med to take all day long.  I have anurisms on both sides of my brain that basically swell up, block my vision, and then pop.  I   can not pick up and hold any of my grandchildren, so that's special.  The times that I have have caused the anurisms to burst and I lose balance.  My neuerologist sent me to UVA, where he confirmed the moyamoya diagnosis, but since I didnt have insurance there was nothing he could do for  me until I have it.  I see him in April and now I have medicaid, and I am afraid he is going to want to do the surgury now.




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