A Multiple Chemical Sensitivity interview .

Kelly's interview

How did all start?

With toxic mold that is in the cement block walls of our house. The mycotoxosis (Toxic Mold Illness) is also an autoimune disease and is what caused my MCS.

Do you already have a diagnosis? How long did it take you to get it?

No, without insurance I don't have the money to go to a Dr. that already knows about my illness or to try and educate one who doesn't.

What has been the most useful thing for you so far?

Mostly detoxifying through food and water, soaking in epsom salt detox baths. Also, resting when I feel tired.

What have been your biggest difficulties?

FInding the courage to tell people they have something on their person that is hurting me, or leaving situations that are triggering my sensitivities.

How has your social and family environment reacted? Have your social or family relationships changed?

Many of my "friends" have abandoned me, at one point I was suicidal and when I did what I could to "reach out" I was told that it was my responsibility. Those closest to me have done what they can to be safe for me.

What things have you stopped doing?

Using scented personal products, scented laundry products, scented cleaning products. I rarely go to the mall, stores like Bath & Body Works make it too toxic for me. If I go shopping I don't go alone, if I need to get out of a place, I need someone to finish my purchase. Recently I needed to get away from the check out at Office Depot because there are seasonal scented items that are harmful to me.

What do you think about the future?

I am hopeful that I'll be able to avoid enough toxins that my body can heal and I'll be able to have fewer limitations.

So far, which years have been the best years in your life? What have you done during them?

This past year has been the best in my life because I have come to appreciate the people who love me and care for me, by doing what they can to keep me safe.

What would you like to do if you didn’t have your condition?

If I woke up one day without this issue, I'd have to learn to stop being paranoid of meetine new people or going new places.

If you had to describe your life in a sentence, what would it be?

I have an autoimmune disease, and although it has changed my life, I don't let it rule my life.

Finally, what advice would you give to a person in a similar situation?

Do what you can to manage, detox as much as possible. Don't resist the urge to nap when you need to. Don't feel guilty for having to distance yourself from people who don't care enough to keep from making you hurt.

Nov 2, 2019

By: Kelly

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