Question - Multiple Chemical Sensitivity


Site Improvement: "Year of Diagnosis" question rephrased?

Asked 8 years ago Katya 1042

Would you prefer the question "Year of Diagnosis" be changed to something else, like "year you think this condition began?" What do you think would be a better question? 

Remember that the Survey is the same for all of the disease maps, including Lyme disease, Aspergers, etc. So the question needs to make sense for multiple conditions. MCS is different in that most diagnoses are self-determined, of necessity, and any kind of diagnosis, official or individual, can happen quite a while after the condition started. So I am wondering if "Year Condition Started" might be more a more informative question title. 

The authors of this site speak Spanish as their first language, although their English is understandable and they now live in England. They are very open to suggestions for improving the choice of words in this site, as sometimes they may not know that the same word in English and Spanish may carry different implications. 

What phrasing do you think would yield the most accurate and informative answer? 

Thanks - Katya

7 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

I like your idea Katya, I knew my problem about 3-4 years before diagnosis. So Year Condition Started is good.

Thanks, Anne

Answered 8 years ago Anne 16

three questions:
Year of first symptoms ?
Which diagnoses alleged doctors in the following period? (Multiple selection)
Year diagnosis ?


Answered 8 years ago SHG 92

What about "Year Condition Began?"

Answered 8 years ago Katya 1042

"Year Condition Began" is the best for me

Answered 8 years ago Angela 175


Yes I agree with having the question read "year condition began" or similar. Personally I knew long before the official diagnosis. I feel that makes it easier to answer the question for those of us that may have taken a while for that diagnosis.



Answered 8 years ago Lisa 15

I can't do the survey because it forces me to type a number for how long it took for me to get diagnosed.  I learned about MCS after many years.  No doctor diagnosis. It is congenital. 

Answered 7 years ago IH8smells 11

Year your condition began as it takes ages to be officially diagnosed.

Answered 5 years ago Maite 10
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