Story about Myofascial Pain Syndrome .

Myofascial Pain story

Dec 2, 2

I was a primary care CNA end of life in a nursing home and during a two man lift with a male CNA who evidently could not lift he let go of the patient when she lifted her feet and swung between us dislocating my shoulder and injuring my back permanantly.

I went through physical therapy that worsenend my pain and my specialist Rex Carr MD said off the record if they had not sent me to physical therapy I would most likely not of developed myofascial pain and fibromyalgia they injured me permenantly.

I have been through many hospitals and doctors over the years and treatments my life in Vermont during the winter was crippling I lost the ability to walk and even went blind during cold spells the cold and mountain life was hell on earth for me.

My oldest moved to New Mexico with the airforce and my doctors told me move to a warmer climate and I did.  

I still have bad spells but not as severe as in the cold weather and I miss Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Ctr. The doctors here have little to no understanding of this condition and have no idea how to treat me during a flare.

But at least here I have some quality of life I did not have in Vermont and family to help.

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