Story about Nail-patella syndrome .


May 22, 2016

By: Jamie

My mother was adopted so she is as far back as we can go in terms of genetics.  In regards to NPS, She has it as well as my siblings to a considerably varying degree.  We suffer a number of related conditions and symptoms.  My mother has kidney relations and I have early signs of glaucoma but am.being monitored for progression.  If it becomes more than just abnormal results and off and on pressure issues, I will be able to avoid considerable progression thanks to early screening after noticing issues with my eye sight.  My mother has ibs and crohns and i had issues on and off with colitis.  I had adolescent gerd which went undiagnosed until adulthood with slight regurgitation and malabsorption.  with the help of medication i exceeded my normal weight which is c9mmon for nps (90s) and am now around 108lbs.  It is hard to gain muscle mass amd was recently disgnosed with vit d deficiency.  insuffer anxiety disorder(SA) and issues developmentally with learning and had consoderable trouble as a kid with coordination.  

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