Story about Niemann-Pick Disease .

Niemann Pick Type B (ASMD)

May 8, 2017

By: April

My name is April.  I am 34 and live in the San Antonio, Texas area.  I was born with Niemann Pick Type B (ASMD).  I was diagnosed at Loma Linda in California when I was 2 while in the hospital with Mono.   I had multiple surgeries growing up.  My tonsils, appendix and gallbladder were all removed.  I also had  bone marrow aspirations.  In 1998 I was also diagnosed with Chronic Idiopathic Thrombocytopinia purpera (ITP).  The diseases both complicate each other.  February 2, 2015 I welcomed my son Nicholas.  I still live a somewhat "normal" life with just a few extra hiccups along the way.

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