What is the prevalence of Occipital Neuralgia?

How many people does Occipital Neuralgia affect? Does it have the same prevalence in men and women? And in the different countries?

Prevalence of Occipital Neuralgia

Occipital neuralgia is a relatively rare condition, making it difficult to determine its exact prevalence. However, it is estimated that occipital neuralgia affects approximately 3.2 to 4.3 individuals per 100,000 people. This condition primarily affects the occipital nerves, which run from the base of the skull to the scalp. The most common symptom is severe, throbbing pain in the back of the head or upper neck. While the prevalence may be low, it is important to seek medical attention if experiencing persistent head or neck pain to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Occipital neuralgia is a relatively rare condition characterized by chronic pain in the upper neck, back of the head, and behind the eyes. While it is difficult to determine the exact prevalence of occipital neuralgia, it is estimated to affect approximately 3.2 to 7.8 people per 100,000 individuals in the general population.

This condition primarily affects adults, with a higher incidence in females than males. The exact cause of occipital neuralgia is often unknown, but it is commonly associated with irritation or injury to the occipital nerves, which run from the top of the spinal cord to the scalp.

The symptoms of occipital neuralgia can vary from person to person but often include severe, throbbing pain that radiates from the base of the skull to the scalp. Other symptoms may include sensitivity to light, scalp tenderness, and limited neck movement.

Diagnosis of occipital neuralgia involves a thorough medical history, physical examination, and sometimes imaging tests to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms. Treatment options typically include a combination of pain medications, nerve blocks, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications.

While occipital neuralgia is not a common condition, it can significantly impact the quality of life for those affected. Seeking medical attention and proper management can help alleviate symptoms and improve daily functioning.
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Prevalence of Occipital Neuralgia

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Stories of Occipital Neuralgia

Occipital Neuralgia stories
On 28 June 2011, I was working that night. Around 6PM I started getting a little bit of a headache. I took a drink of water and continued working. At 6:30 I had my attack. It felt like someone was pounding a large stake in my left eye with a sledgeha...
Occipital Neuralgia stories
  In August 2013 I started to get a headache that never stopped. The pain was so intense it was like I was being hit in the back of the head by a baseball bat and at the same time I was having frontal pain. After checking it wasn’t teeth, or eyes...
Occipital Neuralgia stories
This day changed my life forever. I was asulted by a customer at work and had a concussion and neck sprain. These MINOR injuries have resulted in Occipital Neuroalgia. It still seems unbelievable that I'll deal with this the rest of my life possibly....
Occipital Neuralgia stories
I was involved in a motor vehicle accident in 2011 where I was hitfrom behind by another driver. I had immediate pain in the neck in the right shoulder and in my head. Since the motor vehicle accident I have undergone 3 right shoulder surgery, 2 cerv...
Occipital Neuralgia stories
Over 40 years ago I fell down the stairs hitting my head, neck & back. Since then I have Chronic Daily headaches that are relived by laying down.  I also have pain & stiffness in my neck.  Since then I have developed Atypical trigeminal neuralgia,...

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