Story about Osteogenesis Imperfecta .

Don't Get Me Down

Feb 12, 2016

By: Karen

A great song, that title. I also don't allow OI to "get me down." Yes, I hate the disease and I hate that anyone has it, but one must make the best of a lousy situation, right? I have type I, and supposedly my family - who the University of MN along with the researchers in Bethesda, Maryland did a research study on my family and traced our OI back over 300 yrs into Ireland - and we have types I and/or IV. So, when a genetisit tells us that our child will have a 50/50 chance of having OI we just snicker and we know better.

I wouldn't be so disabled by it though if I hadn't been in an auto accident, too. 5 lumbar herniated discs and nerve damage in neck/shoulders. So, in addition to having the typical daily bruising, the occasional fractures, and pain from arthritis I also have the nerve pain and sciatic pain, and the docs say-fibromyalgia. My thigh has recently gone numb too, so, go figure.

I have a 16 year old son who also has type I. He has had much more severe fractures thtan I have ever had. Due to those fractures and issues from them he is already dealing with issues of difficulty finding a job. He's a computer/gamer nerd and will bo to college though, so hopefully he will be able to find a career in computers. Speaking of, I've got to go pick him up, so this story comes to an end.

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