Question - Osteonecrosis


My AVN Osteonecrosis family

Asked 5 years ago Jenny from the block 900

Good Evening,

My on line profile is listed as Jenny from the Block. I am 53, today in September 2018. 

Until now, I have had a pretty wonderful and really tough life.   My Holy Spirit has always been with me and brought me through many dark times.  

The blessings have been many also, I have had many several successful careers. 

Today driving to my job, in pain suffering- I looked at the sky to speak to whom ever would listen. 

For a moment I was om my pity pot and asked,  LORD, why me.   Then my inside voice said, Why not me.  

Overcoming many layers of crap in my life, by being a cockeyed optomist, and yea, a little delusional maybe, always looking up to people around me with a smile and saying " isn't this fun.... we are learning, facing, challenges and more. That usually followed with a shoe tune or a verse of " I did it my way". 

Having started by parade of doctors and ON path that started in May of 2014.  Now 4 years later, facing bone collapse, surgery and - well you know the drill. 

This chapter is finding and defining my new normal. With the need to make a living, work from home, fuel my creative spirit and do my hearts dream, to empower people, give, teach them that with the right attitude people can achieve their goals. 

My goal now- take all that I know- all of my successes, and help the people who are suffering like myself.  I want to give them a fund to help with expenses, travel, and more. 

If anyone out there wants to join our fight, to help me / us/ we and join the team I invison  before the parade passes by, send me a message.  

Lets make a difference! Let's have a face book, a skype chat and together a small idea can lead to big change.  

Message me - let's change our world- one suffer at a time. 

Jenny from the block - 

[email protected]


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