Story about Osteonecrosis , Asthma, Dupuytrens Contracture, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Hashimotos Disease, Lymphoedema, Osteonecrosis.

If I knew then what I know now!

Oct 31, 2017

By: Kathy

Year Condition Began: 2012

I 1989, I quit smoking, I had been a heavy smoker for 20 years. As soon as I quit, I developed a chronic cough. I went to lung specialists, allergy specialists, asthma specialists, pulmonologists, etc. Each time I saw a doctor, they prescribed corticosteroids. I have been on almost every corticosteroid they make! None of them did anything towards halting my chronic cough. So now, I have Osteonecrosis which is from steroid use. I continue to cough and I am angry that along with the cough, I now have major joint and bone problems. Had a right total hip replacement 5 weeks ago. Looking at having he other hip done in the next year or so. Also have problems with my ankles, knees, shoulders, and hands.

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