Story about Osteoporosis .

Contributing factors to my osteoporosis

Apr 6, 2016

By: Lyndy

I was diagnosed with osteopenia about nine years ago (early menopause) with one osteoporotic spot in my spine and compression that was getting close to a fracture. I tried to do better with my vitamins and minerals and diet, cutting down alcohol, cutting out meat and diet drinks/sodas etc. But I was busy working and did not exercise enough.

In 2016 I was found to have t scores of -3.1 in my spine and -2.6 in my hip. What happened in the mean time was: having stage 2 Gord put me on Nexium and Pariet once a day for four or five years, using sunblock faithfully every day, plus taking a few antacids, and a lack of regular weight-bearing exercise. My doctor wants me to take biphosponates and I am refusing. In my family history there are NO hip fractures ever in mother, aunts, grandparents or great grandparents. There were a few "dowager humps", but no broken bones of any sort really.

I am changing GPs again now and hoping for a more enlightened and supportive approach to managing my bone density. Am taking Vit D and K2 and magnesium and dietary calcium. Will check my bone density again in a year to see how I am going.

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