Question - Panhypopituitarism


Life headed and dizzy

Asked 8 years ago JIm Pridham 60
Marked as solved

Even though I am taking typically 35mg of Hydrocortisone, 20 at 8 am, 10 at 11 am and 5 at 2pm I suffer from sensitivity to glare and feel light headed and dizzy. it is hard to concentrate and generally feel crook.

I am on Testesterone gel, 1 sachet / day and 5 mcg of Thyroxine/ day.

Does anyone have a similar problem or can a doctor tell me is there something else missing from my intake of meds.

what about GH replacement??  

I have to work becuse of my financial situation so need to feel as good as I can.

Jim Pridham

3 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Hi Jim, I've had panhypopituitism for 4 years and it's been like a rollercoaster, still is. I go through so many different symptoms they are all obviously related.

im on GH replacement, but you want to get tested for everything to make sure your not short of anything.

i can't work but I have a hobby that keeps me going and thank god for it. You can never tell people exactly how you feel but my motto is be strong and take everyday as it comes.


Answered 8 years ago Diana jaques 10

Hi Jim

Cortisol-replacement medications can make the pressure inside your head go up, which in turn affects ocular pressure -- thus you get light sensitivity and dizziness. I would do cortisol tests and readjust the dosage of the medicine.

Another thing is something cerebral. Your symptoms sound like migraine. Is your condition due to a brain surgery? Was it a tumor? If it was a craniopharyngyoma, you better check to make sure there is no de novo growth, because such tumors are recurrent.

Good luck!


Answered 8 years ago Alina 8

Hello Alina,

I checked  my  blood  pressure  this morning and  it is 136/80 about 1 hr after taking my first dose. Should I reduce the dose and see if the pressure is  better? 

I have MRI scans to check for any regrowth and there are no signs.

Thanks for your post, do you have any other suggestions? 

I will let u know how I get on reducing my dosage. 

Many thanks and

Kind regards


Answered 8 years ago JIm Pridham 60
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