Stupid boobs...

Aug 1, 2016

In 2012 my husband found a lump in my right breast. It felt like it was the size of a nickel, was easy to find, and moved around. It didn't bother me. I waited about a month before having my primary dr confirm that yes, there was in fact a lump. She told me it was probably just a fibroadenoma and sent me on my way for an ultrasound and mammogram. My appointment was the day after my 35th bday. The radiologist confirmed what my Dr already told me, looked like a fibroadenoma, normal breast mass and nothing to worry about. They set me up for a core biopsy just to be sure. I procrastinated that appointment thinking, "this is ridiculous". 2 months later, another radiologist biopsies my breast mass and gave me the same fibroadenoma song and dance. Told me to follow up with my primary dr. From that day forward my lump started to bother me, and it grew. It felt like the size of a high bounce ball and it was incredibly tender. My primary dr looked at the results of my biopsy and told me that my lump was in fact a fibroadenoma, however she was concerned that it had grown. So she sent me to a specialist. I procrastinated that appointment, once again thinking, "this is crazy, this is ridiculous, I'm just being a baby...this is a normal lump and I'm making a bigger deal out of this than what it is". Finally I went to my appointment. The specialist asked me if I was told my biopsy showed phyllodes cells. I said, "no". She told me that the lump needed to be removed, sent to pathology and that if it was in fact phyllodes (which was a less than 1% chance) then I'd have to have another surgery. With less than 1% odds, I wasn't concerned. Obviously, I was wrong. I received a call 1 week before my follow up appointment after my lumpectomy: Welcome to less than 1%. 2 months later I had a partial mastectomy with a reconstruction, and have since had 2 more reconstructive surgeries. My lump was described as borderline and the size of a golf ball. I didn't have chemo, and I didn't have radiation, I have been sliced and diced like a Virginia ham.....

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