Celebrities with Phyllodes tumor

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Celebrities with Phyllodes tumor

Phyllodes tumors are rare breast tumors that can occur in both men and women. While they are typically benign, they have the potential to be malignant in some cases. These tumors develop in the connective tissue of the breast and can vary in size and aggressiveness. Although phyllodes tumors are not commonly associated with celebrities, there have been a few notable cases where celebrities have faced this condition.

One celebrity who publicly shared her experience with a phyllodes tumor is actress and television host, Giuliana Rancic. In 2011, Rancic revealed that she had been diagnosed with an early stage phyllodes tumor during a routine mammogram. She underwent surgery to have the tumor removed and has since been an advocate for breast cancer awareness and early detection. Rancic's openness about her diagnosis and treatment has helped raise awareness about phyllodes tumors and the importance of regular screenings.

Another celebrity who faced a phyllodes tumor is actress and singer, Fran Drescher. Drescher, best known for her role in the television series "The Nanny," was diagnosed with a benign phyllodes tumor in 2000. She underwent surgery to remove the tumor and has since become an advocate for cancer awareness and early detection. Drescher founded the Cancer Schmancer Movement, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting early detection and prevention of cancer.

While these are just a few examples of celebrities who have dealt with phyllodes tumors, it is important to note that this condition can affect anyone, regardless of their fame or status. Phyllodes tumors require proper medical attention and treatment, and early detection is crucial for a successful outcome. Regular breast screenings, including mammograms and self-examinations, can help in identifying any abnormalities and seeking prompt medical advice.

It is worth mentioning that the experiences of these celebrities should not overshadow the experiences of countless individuals who have faced phyllodes tumors. Each person's journey with this condition is unique, and it is essential to respect their privacy and support them in their fight against the disease.

6 answers
Me? Just kidding. I don't know about any celebrities with this desease

Posted Nov 26, 2017 by Sabrina 2500
I am unaware of any.

Posted May 6, 2018 by Marie 2500
None that I am aware of.

Posted Aug 10, 2020 by Simone Lovett 2550
I do not know of any that have

Posted Aug 23, 2020 by 3050
None that I know of.

Posted Sep 26, 2020 by Lucy 3570

Celebrities with Phyllodes tumor

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Stories of Phyllodes tumor

Phyllodes tumor stories
In February 2015 I found a lump in my right breast. I was diagnozed with fibroadenoma, but it appeared to be a benign PT (2 cm., surgery in March). No margins taken although the initial path report stated BPT. Final path report confirmed no clear tis...
Phyllodes tumor stories
I had what was termed a harmless fibroadenoma removed in June of 2007. At the age of 33, I had my first baby and was nursing him. He was born in December. The following November, I noticed that my scar tissue felt different. I had an ultrasound and ...
Phyllodes tumor stories
After years of multiple lumpbectomies ,seeing a oncologist due to my sister having breast cancer ,my high risk and Years of mammograms, ultrasounds and breast MRIS. My Dr. Advised me to get a prophylactic mastectomy due to things still being found an...
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My MPT started a year after constant stress and caring for a partner with cancer. I had no time for myself to keep my stress levels down and I believe this is the reason I became ill. Though doctors had some knowledge of the disease it was not I fel...
Phyllodes tumor stories
I felt a rather large Lump in my Left Breast at the 2 O'Clock position. I was just due for my Mammogram and scheduled it. A subsequent needle biopsy showed MPT with Liposarcoma component. I am scheduled for a bilateral Mastectomy 8/18/15 with reconst...

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