Story about Pierre Robin Syndrome .

My Daughter

Sep 7, 2017

By: Hailey

Year Condition Began: 2015

I didn't know my daughter had PRS till he was born, she needed surgery to fix her cleft palate but not her chin, she got tubes in her ears, hers was a more mild version of PRS then what I have seen, though her whole palette was gone. She was in the NICU for a month and then discharged, and had an NG tube until she was 6 months old and decided she wanted to rip it out every hour or so and so we tried to see how she would do with out it and she did awesomely. She's 2 right now and she talks very well for her age, and from what the doctors have said is always one step ahead in speach and development. She has a bit of a lisp and can struggle with words once in a blue moon but it's an easy fix after repeating it once in a while. She has a speach therapist, and was discharged from Occupational therapy about 4 months ago. She walks with one foot inwards a bit but the doctors said she should grow out of it. Other then that she should be done with surgerys and live a normal life!

Although I've always been told it is a Sequence, not a syndrome- A sequence of things that make it into PRS (as in the pallet and small chin)

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