Story about Pigmented villonodular synovitis .

A Pigmented villonodular synovitis story

Mar 25, 2016

In April 2013 I went into hospital for a routine operation to remove what was thought to be a bakers cyst behind my left knee

the process went well but for recovery I visited the hospital at least twice a month for seven months in great pain and the swelling on the knee was enormous


the consultants and I say consultants as I saw 6 different all kept coming up with different diagnosis of the joint ,until one Tuesday afternoon I received a phone call from the guy in charge asking me to go and see him the next day he wouldn't say anymore over the phone which to be honest had me panicking I duly arrived the next day and was directed straight through to see him where he looked at me and apologised saying that he had reviewed my case and the biopsy that was taken seven months previous had shown diffuse pvns but the laboratory had forgotten to forward this on with that he told me he could do no more as I was now under the care of a professor Briggs at the RNOH since then I have had four more open surgeries and two drains of the knee I see him again in April to discuss further surgery and radiation  after keeping my fingers crossed for just a little respite 


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