Story about POEMS syndrome .

Pregancies and Poems

Jul 26, 2017

Hi everyone.  So we have quite the story.  When my daughter was 6 months old, my husband hurt his back...or so he thought.  But after much massage therapy and chiro and bedrest, he wasn't improving...finally he got into a neurologist who suspected it was CIDP.  After several rounds of immunoglobin treatment, Tom was getting worse, not better.  In fact, he deteriorated to the point where he dramatically lost weight and was in a wheelchair.  He couldn't even lift our 18lb little girl.  In that time period, we found out we were pregnant with our second daughter.  After fighting with the neurologist who gave us no hope and actually told us we were naive to believe Tom would ever walk again, we found a different one.  (It took a year!)  This neurologist rushed us to Vancouver where 20 specialists diagnosed Tom with Poems.  We had to life down there for 6 weeks while Tom had chemo and Stem Cell Transplant.  On the very day he was scheduled for chemo, we found out we were pregnant with our 3rd miracle daughter!  What a bittersweet day that was! We were able to go home to West Kelowna for Father's day!  He rapidly improved and now gets around with only his orthodics...although it has been a challenge to find a good design for him.  We had 5 extremely stressful years, but we count each day a blessing.  Every day with Tom is another miracle!  Thank you Jesus for this incredible story

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