Question - Poland Syndrome



Asked 5 years ago Irine 113

Has anyone found a site that custom designs swim tops/ braws? If not, what are some solutions?

3 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

You might look at the Poland syndrome support group on Facebook...they could probably help.

Answered 5 years ago Michael 3561

They sell removable breast prosthetics including ones designed for swimwear. I’m in Australia, am not sure what country you live in but hopefully they will post to wherever (for a fee, ofcourse). All the best & you are not alone :) 

Answered 5 years ago Brooke 12
1 elaborate ..and they also sell bras & swimwear with bilateral pockets for the removable prosthetics. It is unfortunately expensive :( but of course worth every penny for the confidence. 

Answered 5 years ago Brooke 12
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