Story about Progressive Supranuclear Palsy .


Nov 29, 2015

My husband was diagnosed in November of 2007. He passed away in December of 2013. His one request was that he didn't want to go to a nursing home so with the help of our families, we kept Jim home where he died in his home surrounded by all his loved ones. It was a horrible journey that we all went see a strong wonderful man deteriorate before your very eyes was the hardest thing I know I will ever endure. Jim taught me so much during this process. To be strong, to be compassionate and to love unconditionally. He was my one and only love and although I'm thankful that he is no longer in pain, I miss him so very much. To all of you who is going through this or if you are a loved one giving care to them, I pray every single night that the Lord will give you strength!!! Pray to Him...he will not let you down! God Bless you all.

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