Question - Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis


Adult Onset RRP and mental health

Asked 2 years ago tbrock 2911

Hi there...

I've seen research that indicates RRP and depression are connected. I was diagnosed with RRP as an adult after years of testing for other related possibiliites. During that time, I experienced mental health issues (anxiety and depression) and I am wondering who else deals with mental health issues related to (or not) with RRP.




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Es inevitable tener algún tipo de problema de índole psicológico y especialmente social. Puede causar ansiedad y también depresión, especialmente cuando sientes que no puedes interactuar socialmente en lugares abiertos o ruidosos, tus pensamientos están presentes pero tus palabras ausentes. Los demás quienes no conocen tu enfermedad te califican de raro, anti social y te marginan. 

Answered 2 years ago Alex 10

I think it's likely that those with RRP could develop depression through the struggles that the disease causes in your life. I don't think correlation means causation here though. I was in a pretty good mental state when I first developed symptoms. I would say I have depression now and I'm on medication to help that (mirtazapine) but I think that's from other factors than my RRP alone.

Answered 2 years ago Morag 10

Thank you for sharing your truth. I appreciate your words ... " I don't think correlation means causation." 

Answered 2 years ago tbrock 2911
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