Living with Retinitis pigmentosa. How to live with Retinitis pigmentosa?

Can you be happy living with Retinitis pigmentosa? What do you have to do to be happy with Retinitis pigmentosa? Living with Retinitis pigmentosa can be difficult, but you have to fight to try to be happy. Have a look at things that other people have done to be happy with Retinitis pigmentosa

Living with Retinitis pigmentosa

Living with Retinitis Pigmentosa

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a genetic eye disorder that causes the gradual degeneration of the retina, leading to vision loss over time. While living with RP can present challenges, there are various strategies and support systems available to help individuals adapt and maintain a fulfilling life.

1. Seek Professional Guidance

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with RP, it is crucial to consult with a qualified ophthalmologist or retinal specialist. They can provide a comprehensive evaluation of your condition, offer treatment options, and suggest lifestyle modifications to manage the disease effectively.

2. Educate Yourself

Understanding RP and its progression can empower you to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions. Research reputable sources, join support groups, and connect with organizations specializing in visual impairments. Knowledge about the disease will help you navigate its challenges more effectively.

3. Regular Eye Exams

Regular eye exams are essential for monitoring the progression of RP. Your eye care professional can track changes in your vision, prescribe corrective lenses, and recommend assistive devices to optimize your remaining vision.

4. Assistive Technology and Devices

There are numerous assistive technologies and devices available to enhance independence and quality of life for individuals with RP. These include:

  • Screen readers: Software that converts text into speech, enabling you to access digital content.

  • Magnification tools: Devices that enlarge text and images, making them easier to see.

  • Audio books and podcasts: Accessible alternatives to printed materials.

  • White canes: A mobility aid that helps detect obstacles and navigate the environment.

  • Smartphone apps: Various apps offer features like voice assistants, magnifiers, and navigation aids.

5. Environmental Modifications

Adapting your living and working spaces can significantly improve your daily life. Consider implementing the following modifications:

  • Good lighting: Ensure well-lit areas to maximize the use of your remaining vision.

  • Contrasting colors: Use contrasting colors for walls, furniture, and objects to enhance visibility.

  • Organizational systems: Keep items in designated places to easily locate them.

  • Remove hazards: Minimize tripping hazards and keep walkways clear.

6. Emotional Support

Living with RP can be emotionally challenging. Seek support from friends, family, and support groups who understand your experiences. Sharing your feelings, concerns, and triumphs can provide immense comfort and encouragement.

7. Lifestyle Adjustments

Adapting your lifestyle can help you maintain independence and engage in activities you enjoy:

  • Transportation: Explore public transportation options or consider using rideshare services.

  • Orientation and mobility training: Learn techniques to navigate safely and confidently.

  • Recreational activities: Participate in hobbies and sports that accommodate your visual impairment, such as swimming or tandem biking.

  • Employment: Discuss workplace accommodations with your employer to ensure a conducive work environment.

8. Stay Informed about Research

Stay updated on the latest advancements in RP research and potential treatments. Clinical trials and emerging therapies may offer hope for future vision restoration or slowing down the progression of the disease.

9. Financial and Legal Considerations

Consulting a financial advisor and an attorney specializing in disability law can help you navigate financial and legal matters related to RP. They can assist with insurance, estate planning, and accessing available resources.

10. Maintain a Positive Mindset

While living with RP can be challenging, maintaining a positive mindset is crucial. Focus on your abilities, set realistic goals, and celebrate achievements. Remember, RP does not define you as a person.

Living with Retinitis Pigmentosa requires adaptation, support, and a proactive approach. By seeking professional guidance, utilizing assistive technology, making environmental modifications, and seeking emotional support, individuals with RP can lead fulfilling lives and overcome the challenges they may encounter.

10 answers
You accept the fact that the way you live life before the disease is a new version of daily life. I believe in everyone there is the potential for happiness and every one is different. Yes, happiness is possible with RP. The positive and the best way to learn how to become more positive in general is the best advice I can offer

Posted Apr 19, 2017 by Tiffany B Nabors 760
Live your life. Learn new skills. Love, feel, live.

Posted Jul 24, 2017 by Filip 2150
Im happy, i don't know how i will be when it gets bad

Posted Jul 25, 2017 by Alan 400
The biggest thing is get orientation and mobility early on with the diagnosis. Know how to use a white cane . Families often feel sad for a person losing or lot their vission. Do a vision bucket list like things visually to see before the vision progresses

Posted Sep 8, 2017 by Macayla 1900
I believe you can be happy with RP I think its how you look at things. You can wake up upset your losing your vision. Or you can wake up and say I can see my loved ones if you can and a great support group works well.

Posted Sep 14, 2017 by Tom 1200
There are lots off challenges that we have to face but that's life, we have always tried to be Happy :)

Posted Sep 16, 2017 by kiran 700
don't focus on what you can't do, focus on what you can do. try to move somewhere where you can get around without assistance.

Posted Jan 13, 2018 by Anders 2500
Translated from spanish Improve translation
If you can be happy. Accepting the illness and its limitations with the passage of time is manifested, and by adapting your world and yourself to live

Posted Jun 4, 2017 by jacqueline 950
Translated from spanish Improve translation
... If One accepts his disability and does not cease to beat... Comes out ahead

Posted Sep 13, 2017 by Juan 700

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Stories of Retinitis pigmentosa

Retinitis pigmentosa stories
It's pretty simple.  Started when I was 22 or so. My mom has RP and my sister has vision trouble as well. I knew I had RP rather soon after but spent years fighting the changes I needed to make to my lifestyle. Hell, I still do. RP folks tend to be...
Retinitis pigmentosa stories
I was diagnosed with autosomal dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa when I was 14. I inherited it from my dad. I was declared legally blind (less than 20 degrees of vision) when I was 20. I am currently 28, and I have 5 degrees left. I also have cystoid mac...
Retinitis pigmentosa stories
I'm not going to write personal information here. But I do encourage you to contact me if you have RP or Coats Disease. I have never met or known anybody else who has Coats, so that would be particularly interesting. We might be able to share informa...
Retinitis pigmentosa stories
AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE RP - GENE PDE6B PATHOGENIC MUTATION HETEROZYGOUS (C.892C>T (P.GIN298*)) I was diagnosed with RP in 2012, aged 32, after my boyfriend at the time insisted I go and get my eyes checked. He once brought me a glass of water during ...
Retinitis pigmentosa stories
Father of a beautiful girl, 7 years of age with RP

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Retinitis pigmentosa forum
how can you live with this disese?
Retinitis pigmentosa forum
Another question... Do you still have a job? Or is it too difficult to work with your RP? I do have a job, but it is not so easy and it is very exhausting for my eyes...
Retinitis pigmentosa forum
I love to travel! I have a vision of only 3°, but I really want to see the world! The noises, the smell, the kind people, to be on the road, I love it! Where have you guys been to and what are your favorite destinations?

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