Is it easy to find a partner and/or maintain relationship when you have Rett Syndrome?

People with experience in Rett Syndrome give their opinion on whether it is easy or not to have a partner or to maintain a realationship when you are diagnosed of Rett Syndrome. What are the possible difficulties in having a relationship?

Couple and Rett Syndrome

Is it easy to find a partner and/or maintain a relationship when you have Rett Syndrome?

When it comes to finding a partner and maintaining a relationship, individuals with Rett Syndrome may face unique challenges. Rett Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that primarily affects females, causing severe physical and cognitive impairments. These challenges can impact various aspects of their lives, including their ability to form and sustain romantic relationships.

1. Understanding Rett Syndrome:

It is important for potential partners to have a basic understanding of Rett Syndrome. This neurodevelopmental disorder affects communication, mobility, and cognitive abilities. Individuals with Rett Syndrome may have limited verbal skills, physical disabilities, and require assistance with daily activities. Educating oneself about the condition can help foster empathy, patience, and understanding.

2. Supportive and Inclusive Environment:

A supportive and inclusive environment is crucial for individuals with Rett Syndrome to thrive in relationships. It is essential for partners to create an atmosphere where the person with Rett Syndrome feels valued, respected, and included. This involves adapting communication methods, being patient, and providing necessary assistance when needed.

3. Open and Honest Communication:

Communication is the foundation of any successful relationship. Individuals with Rett Syndrome may face challenges in expressing themselves verbally, but they can still communicate through alternative means such as gestures, eye contact, or assistive communication devices. Partners should be patient, attentive, and open to different forms of communication to ensure effective understanding and expression of emotions.

4. Adaptation and Flexibility:

Flexibility and adaptability are key when it comes to maintaining a relationship with someone with Rett Syndrome. The condition may require adjustments in daily routines, activities, and expectations. Partners should be willing to adapt to the unique needs and abilities of their loved one, while also finding a balance that allows both individuals to engage in activities they enjoy.

5. Emotional Support:

Individuals with Rett Syndrome may experience emotional challenges due to their condition. They may feel frustrated, isolated, or struggle with self-esteem. Providing emotional support and reassurance is crucial in helping them navigate these difficulties. Partners should be understanding, patient, and offer a safe space for open communication about emotions and concerns.

6. Seeking Professional Help:

In some cases, seeking professional help can be beneficial for both individuals in the relationship. Therapists, counselors, or support groups can provide guidance, strategies, and coping mechanisms to navigate the unique challenges that may arise from Rett Syndrome. These professionals can also offer advice on how to strengthen the relationship and address any specific concerns.

7. Building a Support Network:

Building a support network is important for individuals with Rett Syndrome and their partners. Connecting with other families or individuals who have experience with Rett Syndrome can provide a sense of community, understanding, and shared knowledge. Support networks can offer valuable advice, resources, and a platform to discuss challenges and successes.


While finding a partner and maintaining a relationship when you have Rett Syndrome may present unique challenges, it is certainly possible. Understanding the condition, creating a supportive environment, fostering open communication, adapting to individual needs, providing emotional support, seeking professional help when needed, and building a support network are all important factors in navigating relationships with someone with Rett Syndrome. With patience, empathy, and a willingness to adapt, individuals with Rett Syndrome can form meaningful and fulfilling relationships.

2 answers
I think the person with Rett would more likely not find a partner. The ataxia and apraxia would make it quite unlikely.

Posted Sep 11, 2017 by Maria 2000

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