Can people with Rett Syndrome work? What kind of work can they perform?

See how people with experience in Rett Syndrome give their opinion about whether people with Rett Syndrome can work and what kind of jobs are more appropriated for people with Rett Syndrome

Rett Syndrome jobs

Can people with Rett Syndrome work? What kind of work can they perform?

People with Rett Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that primarily affects females, face significant challenges in their daily lives due to the condition's impact on their physical and cognitive abilities. Rett Syndrome is characterized by a loss of purposeful hand skills, severe cognitive impairments, and a variety of physical and behavioral symptoms. While the severity of the syndrome can vary from person to person, it is generally considered a severe disability that significantly limits an individual's functional abilities.

Given the complex nature of Rett Syndrome and the significant impairments it presents, individuals with this condition often require extensive support and care to meet their daily needs. As a result, many people with Rett Syndrome may not be able to engage in traditional employment in the same way as individuals without disabilities. However, it is important to recognize that each person with Rett Syndrome is unique, and their abilities and potential for work may vary.

Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Rett Syndrome

While traditional employment may not be feasible for many individuals with Rett Syndrome, there are alternative options and opportunities that can provide meaningful engagement and a sense of purpose. These opportunities focus on maximizing the individual's abilities and promoting their overall well-being. Some potential avenues for work and engagement for individuals with Rett Syndrome include:

  1. Vocational Training Programs: Vocational training programs can help individuals with Rett Syndrome develop specific skills that align with their abilities and interests. These programs often focus on activities such as arts and crafts, gardening, or assembling products. The goal is to provide individuals with a structured environment where they can learn and engage in meaningful work-like activities.

  2. Supported Employment: Supported employment programs aim to provide individuals with disabilities, including those with Rett Syndrome, with the necessary support to obtain and maintain employment. These programs typically involve job coaches or support workers who assist individuals in finding suitable employment opportunities and provide ongoing support in the workplace. The type of work can vary depending on the individual's abilities and interests, ranging from simple tasks to more complex responsibilities.

  3. Volunteer Work: Engaging in volunteer work can be a fulfilling and meaningful activity for individuals with Rett Syndrome. While it may not involve monetary compensation, volunteer work allows individuals to contribute to their communities, develop social connections, and gain a sense of accomplishment. Volunteer opportunities can be tailored to the individual's abilities and interests, such as assisting in libraries, animal shelters, or community centers.

  4. Entrepreneurship: Some individuals with Rett Syndrome have found success in pursuing entrepreneurial ventures. With the support of their families and caregivers, they can explore small-scale business opportunities that align with their abilities and interests. These ventures can include selling handmade crafts, artwork, or other products through online platforms or local markets.

Supporting Individuals with Rett Syndrome in the Workplace

Regardless of the type of work individuals with Rett Syndrome engage in, it is crucial to provide them with appropriate support and accommodations to ensure their success and well-being. Some strategies that can help support individuals with Rett Syndrome in the workplace include:

  • Modifying the work environment: Making physical modifications to the workplace, such as providing accessible workstations or adaptive equipment, can help individuals with Rett Syndrome navigate their tasks more effectively.

  • Implementing communication strategies: Individuals with Rett Syndrome often face challenges in communication. Using alternative communication methods, such as visual supports or assistive technology, can enhance their ability to express themselves and understand instructions.

  • Providing ongoing training and support: Regular training sessions and ongoing support from supervisors and colleagues can help individuals with Rett Syndrome develop their skills and adapt to their work responsibilities.

  • Creating a supportive and inclusive workplace culture: Fostering an inclusive and understanding work environment that values diversity and promotes empathy can contribute to the overall well-being and success of individuals with Rett Syndrome.


While individuals with Rett Syndrome may face significant challenges in their daily lives, there are opportunities for meaningful engagement and work that can enhance their overall well-being. Vocational training programs, supported employment, volunteer work, and entrepreneurship are some avenues that individuals with Rett Syndrome can explore to find fulfilling activities. It is essential to provide appropriate support and accommodations in the workplace to ensure their success and inclusion. By recognizing the unique abilities and potential of individuals with Rett Syndrome, we can create a more inclusive society that values the contributions of all its members.

4 answers
Sure, they could be a greeter or, with assistance, do simple work

Posted Sep 11, 2017 by Maria 2000
Most people with Rett syndrome can't care for themselves and need someone to assist them. That being sad, people with Rett Syndrome are teachers! They teach the world about Rett Syndrome. They teach the world about love, compassion and perseverance!!

Posted Nov 8, 2017 by Madelyne 500
I have an 18-year-old student with Rett syndrome who is pretty experienced using her Tobii device to communicate. I have been tasked by the school department to come up with a plan to train her for employment for the upcoming year and until she reaches
the age of 22. We have identified the job of teaching others about Rett syndrome. Watching her use the Tobii device is eye opening for those who have not experienced what these people can really do and how much they know what is going on about them. She attends meetings about the syndrome with other students who watch her, and people come to the house to watch while I work with her. Other than being a greeter, which would probably bore her much too quickly, we are trying to find meaningful employment using the partner assisted employment that the State of Florida has, which would involve the demonstration of the device. Always looking for other ideas as well.

Posted Jan 19, 2020 by Marcia Lome 100

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