What is the prevalence of Robinow syndrome?

How many people does Robinow syndrome affect? Does it have the same prevalence in men and women? And in the different countries?

Prevalence of Robinow syndrome

Robinow syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinct facial features, skeletal abnormalities, and short stature. It is estimated to affect approximately 1 in 500,000 to 1,000,000 individuals worldwide. The prevalence of this syndrome varies among different populations and ethnicities. Robinow syndrome can be inherited in an autosomal recessive or autosomal dominant manner, depending on the specific genetic mutation involved. Diagnosis is typically made based on clinical features and confirmed through genetic testing. Early intervention and multidisciplinary care can help manage the symptoms and improve the quality of life for individuals with Robinow syndrome.

Robinow syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects various parts of the body, resulting in distinct physical features and potential health complications. The prevalence of Robinow syndrome is estimated to be around 1 in 500,000 to 1 in 1,000,000 individuals worldwide, making it an extremely rare condition.

This syndrome can affect both males and females of all ethnic backgrounds. It is characterized by short stature, distinctive facial features such as a broad forehead, a depressed nasal bridge, and a small chin. Additionally, individuals with Robinow syndrome may have skeletal abnormalities, such as shortening and fusion of certain bones in the spine, hands, and feet.

There are two types of Robinow syndrome: autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive. The autosomal dominant form is more common and typically less severe, while the autosomal recessive form is rarer and often more severe.

Diagnosis of Robinow syndrome is based on clinical evaluation, genetic testing, and imaging studies. Treatment focuses on managing the symptoms and associated health issues, which may include surgical interventions for skeletal abnormalities and hormone replacement therapy for growth-related concerns.

Due to its rarity, Robinow syndrome requires specialized medical care and support. Genetic counseling is essential for affected individuals and their families to understand the inheritance pattern and potential risks for future generations.

1 answer

Prevalence of Robinow syndrome

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Stories of Robinow syndrome

Robinow syndrome stories
I am the Executive Director of the Robinow Syndrome Foundation. In 1995 my first child was born and diagnosed. In 2000, it was confirmed he has the Recessive form of Robinow Syndrome. I met several other families in the USA during a Robinow Syndrome ...
Robinow syndrome stories
Not enough time in the world to explain my life to this point. Alot of everything. Not much I haven't experienced in terms of emotion and external conflict. I have 3 brothers and one sister, a non-existant mother, and a non-biological, but been there...

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