Story about Scheuermanns disease .

Scheurmanns Disease

Nov 8, 2017

Year Condition Began: 2003

In 2000 I developed a bone growth in my left foot. Essentially it was an abnormal bone growth where the bones were growing too fast which in turn caused a lot of pain.
Over the following two years I had many x-rays and scans to try and find out what was causing it, or if it was more serious. There were ideas floating around that it was cancerous, but I never got a definitive answer.
Over these two years it was incredibly painful, however there were times where I could walk fine and it didn't limit me, stayed active and was involved in sports- and on the flip side, times where I was in wheelchair. *Note this would only be on long days out such as a trip to the Eden Project.
After two years, I had another x-ray on my foot only to find out it was as though it had never happened and all was well. A miracle they claimed.
In 2003, one day I had excruciating pain in my spine. It was agony and throughout the day it got worse. I was taken to hospital where I had numerous tests, doctors, nurses and questions. It seemed I had an infection in my spine. The following morning, there was a change of staff-A new doctor asked me to run down a corridor, which was obviously a ludicrous question to ask someone who had had spinal pain the previous night. I struggled to run, he laughed, I left and didn't follow this up.
Between 2004-2005, around the age of puberty and therefore a growth spurt my parents noticed I was 'slouching', had rounded shoulders and my left rib cage curves in central and sticks out at the bottom. The doctors asked me to touch my toes and was sent off for an x-ray.

Diagnosed with Scheurmanns Disease, by Doctor Davis, or Kyphosis of the thoracic spine 55 degrees.
I had regular check ups until 2009, in which time the spinal curve had not progressed enough to cause concern.
This year, 2017 I felt things had got worse. I've lost a bit of mobility on my left side, where I can't turn or twist to the left compared to the right. Muscles overall tend to become stiff quicker when I'm not productive/active. Back pain in the area of the wedging/curve has increased and so I thought it was about time I got it checked.
I had a full spinal x-ray, but when I spoke to Doctor Davis he didn't show me the x-rays, was vague and explained how I should continue to stay active.
I will be following this up in 2018.
Story about Scheuermanns disease

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