Story about Short Bowel Syndrome , Asthma.

Short bowel syndrome

Sep 13, 2017

Year Condition Began: 2016

In April 2016 whilst 11 weeks pregnant I had a minor slip in the kitchen no injury but over the next few days I began to get niggly upper abdominal pain and was becoming short tempered and sleepy. Nothing much unusual there though I was working 12 hour day shifts and night shifts with no time off. I decided on the Sunday teatime I would go to the walk in centre to get checked out. The nurse thought that I may have had an inflamed gall bladder and as I was otherwise young fit and healthy and it was just a bit of pain I should go home and she had made me an appointment for a scan the next morning up at our local hospital. Anyway long story short I didn't make it past the next few hours the pain became excruciating. I was rolling around screaming. Luckily my husband came home and called an ambulance. Drs could not work out what was wrong with me I was not responding to anything and I couldn't be scanned as I was a to unwell and b pregnant. I was rushed into theatre where they found blood clots had killed off a large chunk of my small intestine. After telling my husband not to expect me to come out of theatre I finally did, with 115 cm of small intestine left. He was then told if I survived the next 2 days they would to a second operation to attach what intestines I had left and close me up. I did survive .... obviously. 9 days in intensive care 2 weeks in high dependency and 3 and s half months in hospital on tpn and transferred to the intestinal failure unit in Salford I finally went home. It was a horrendous time i miscarried in intensive care I had clots forming everywhere. All my lines clotted off my Hickman line had to be postponed and when it was finally fitted had to be removed due to complications. 8 months off work and boy did I try to get back sooner. Now though almost s year and a half on I have a beautiful baby girl, my weight has stabilised although I feel quite sick I no longer vomit probably because I behave myself and don't eat what I shouldn't. I put the speedy rate at which I have recovered down to my positive attitude which surprised Drs and staff in the hospital. They said I was the healthiest looking sickest person on their ward. I kept positive and laughed my way through everything partially nerves partially do my family felt better but mainly cause that's how I get through life. A junior dr is writing about my case in one of the journals because I am special and unique in how the clots attacked my system and I feel lucky every day. I inject tinzaparin twice a day due to the high dose and the fact that I clot on the normal dose someone my build should be on I get tired easier and the bowel situation can be a little bit iffy but other than that I try my hardest to keep life as normal as I can for everyone hoping that nothing like that ever happens to me again.

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