Question - Small Fiber Neuropathy


Did antibiotics cause your neuropathy?

Asked 8 years ago Jeanie 529

How many of you developed your neuropathy after taking Fluoroquinolone antibiotics? (Cipro, Avelox, Levaquin) There is a map here for Fluoroquinolone Toxicity now, too.

2 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

I have plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia and neuropathy, and had no pain all day. The arch support is perfect, much more comfortable than my orthotics. When they came in the mail, I immediately tried them on, couldn't believe when I stood up- it was heaven! I am a nurse. I have been telling everybody I work with about orthofeet's shoes. 


Answered 6 years ago akshayv 10

I've experienced such intense foot pain that in the past I had to curtail my gardening activities. These shoes have given me back my gardening life. I can now stand again for hours without discomfort. Orthofeet are definitely not the most attractive shoes I've ever had, but they are qualitatively the most comfortable walking shoe I've ever put my feet into. The shoes were true to size, and were "out of the box" comfortable the first time I put them on. 

Answered 6 years ago akshayv 10
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