Story about Small Fiber Neuropathy , Peripheral Neuropathy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E., Depression, Gastritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Pain is my Story

Dec 17, 2015

By: Michael

I'm 58 and was diagnosed in August of 2014 with Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy but no certainty on cause (most likely Idiopathic or cause by hip replacement surgery). By January my pain in my feet and hand was so bad I could no longer walk on them and my hands most days hurt to wear I would wear gloves to protect them. So I joined the Pacific Chapter of the Neuropathy Assoc. and the President helped me to find a new Doctor. This doctor has run so many test I fell Iike a lab rat, lol. With this they found I have very painful SFN. I'm on 120mg cymbalta, 450mg Lyrica, 100mg Trazadone and I had one Dr suggest cannibus so I'm using it also and it seams to work pretty well (yes the side effects from the Lyrica, Cymbulta and cannibus makes me a little relaxed, it's better than the other options). All of this started 3 years ago when I had first my knee replaced, then my hip and it was down hill from there. My depression is so bad I see a Psychiatrist and a Physiologist every week to help me not off myself. 
I don't wish this stuff on anyone and those that have it I feel sooooo bad for you. 

Hope you all have a pain free day!!

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