Story about Small Fiber Neuropathy .

Cathys journey

Dec 17, 2015

11 years ago I was diagnosed with Guillain Barre syndrome. Very serious case it took me over a year to recover. A year after that I started having the numbness and tingling in my feet. Went to the dr and they started some testing but unfortunately I was misdiagnosed. I quit that job to get another with better ins and got fantastic Drs that eventually diagnosed SFN. They think that the GB could have triggered this. Started in my feet and worked its way to my knees then stopped. Then my left hand and back went. Then everything else went in a matter of 3 days. I am now totally numb head to toe. Sensory deprived so I don't feel hot/cold or regular pain. Dangerous way to live I have to check myself nightly for cuts because I can't feel. Anxiety and depression are always there. I suffer pain head to toe as well 24/7. I am now having a new horrible pain in my hands that they think may be CIDP. This disease is no fun and I cannot fathom having an even worse one on top of it. CIDP affects the long nerves. Which explains why the pain is significantly different. Testing starting all over again with EMGs and spinal taps. 

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