Story about Intracranial Hypertension , Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E., Depression, Fibromyalgia, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Occipital Neuralgia.

Living with Intercrannial Hypertension AND other conditions!

Dec 24, 2015

In July of 2005, I had what I thought was the mother of all Migraines, which I have suffered from since I was 4 years old. I actaully lost my visoin for 2 days! That triggered an Emergency Room visit, where they directed me to a Neurologist for further study. The first doctor I saw origincally diagnosed me with a much more dire condition called MoyaMoya. I was unhappy with this first Neuro, so I switched to another doctor, but before she could see me, I was hospitalized in October with what we thought was complication of the MoyaMoya and a Migraine, and I was almost completely out of it.

A Neurosurgeon saw me at this time and determined that I did -not- have MoyaMoya, but rather Intercranniial Hypertension, and that I needed -immedicate- surgery. My husband, my Mother-in-law, Mother and Step-Mother made the ultimate decison for me to have the LP (Lumbar-Periotoneal) shunt surgery, as I was too out of my mind with the pain. I was quickly whisked away for surgery, and was fitted with the LP shunt. However, it became infected in November over Thanksgiving, and had to be removed. I was placed on IV antibiotics and sent home with the IV without the shunt to recover.

I spent the next month recovering from the infection, and battling 2 cases of Pneumonia, and gearing up to have the shunt replaced. On January 6, 2006, I was admitted to the hospital for my replacement surgery, but overnight I had developed Pneumonia again, so they could not do the surgery. I was admitted to the hospital for the Pneumonia, and spent 15 days recovering. THEN on the 16th day I was able to undergo surgery to replace the shunt. I was **Supposed** to spend the weekend in the hospital in case anything went wrong, but -1- day after I had the surgery, they kicked me out against my Neurosurgeon's wishes. Luckily (knock on wood) the shunt was successful and I have had it for going on 10 years now with no noticeable problems!

I *Do* have other conditions that complicate my IH, like Migraines, a condition known as "Focal Stenosis of Right Middle Cerebral Artery", which means that the artery is closing down, and could eventually completely fail, causing me to have a Stroke. I also have Fibromyagia, am BiPolar, have Throacic Scoliosis, OsteoArthritis in my knees and lumbar region of my back, and quite a few other "side" conditions.

IH has caused me to lose my peripheral vison in my left outer eye, and I have had to have laser surgery on both of my Retinas for multiple tears in risk of the Retinas detaching. I am also a candidate for Glaucoma, and I wear a heavy prescription in my glasses. I also have trouble with balance and depth percetption due to the damage IH has done to my eyes and brain. I also suffer from memory loss, both long and short term. I use a cane when I am outside of the house, as my perceptions are so off.

The Neurologist that treated me in Colorado (where I am originally from, I moved to Tennessee in May of 2015) believes that my Migraines also stem from the IH, and have since childhood, as I had chronically high pressures in my eyes and changed prescriotion in glasses every year dramatically, though no one caught on that I could have IH until 2005, when I was 26!!

I love connecting with others with similar conditions, and welcome any positive comments. I hope my story helps others sturggling with this condition. It is difficult, but you **can** persevere!! I am BLESSED with a husband that has been my 24/7/365 caregiver who is compassionate and understands what I am going through. I am also BLESSED with a family that, for the most part, understands and supports me. I hope that you, too, have a strong support system! If not, feel free to contact me, and I will do my best to help you find supoort! Brightest Blessings to one and all!

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