Story about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome .

The struggle of PCOS

Jan 2, 2016


I am glad that I was able to find this site, where we can all come together and help each other overcome the struggle of this horrible disease. In 2010 my husband and i decided we wanted to start trying to a baby, so we started our journey with not much luck. About 6 months into trying we deicded to be evaluated to make sure nothing was wrong because my body was acting weird and doing weird things that was not normal for me. He was active duty military at the time so we went on post, since that is where my insurance covered. They did so much testing checking glands, hormone levels, etc. to tell me that I did have PCOS. Knowing nothing about PCOS and being young, it was very overwhelming for both myself and my husband. We went onto seeing an OBGYN who "specialized" in infertility issues, which was to say the least frustrating. My friends and family always told me about clomid so I asked him and he said yeah sure we can give you that. He perscribed me 150 mg of clomid as my first dose and BAM was pregnant with TRIPLETS! Whoa, yeah we were in shock as well. Every other day I was going in to get my levels tested, which were not normal at all. At 10 weeks pregnant my progesterone was only at a 1.4. He then told us to give him a call when I began to bleed (which was very depressing, all we wanted to be were parents). I began bleeding about 13 weeks pregnant and miscarried at home. I then did a total of 12 more rounds of medications to include (letrozole, progestone injections, prometrium, clomid, and a few others) With no luck of getting pregnant any of those times. We were set we were just done trying and going to go with the flow of things, if it happened great but if it didnt we would adopt. In May of 2013 I was feeling strange, realized I was late for my period and was being really mean to my husband. He told me I needed to take a test and sure enough BAM was pregnant again but this time it was all on my own with NO MEDICATION. How did that happen no idea still to this day was a miracle. So of course we were excited, scared, anxious and all of the other emotions you can feel at this point. I did tell my parents, and also had my first ultrasound with my mom here since she doesnt live in the same state as me. She was overjoyed with the thought of finally being a grandmother, the day she left to go back home we began miscarrying again. At this point I am depressed, frustrated, overwhelmed, scared, etc. so we literally just said no more we are done. Oct. 5 of 2015 I was feeling not myself again so I took another test NO MEDICATION again and BAM was pregnant again for the second time all on my own. I called my OB to get in becasue i knew i needed preogesterone right away, well instead of getting me in they dragged thier feet and I miscarried a few days later. I now have a new OB which is great, very helpful and they just found out i have 2 clotting disorders which make it hard to get pregnant if not treated. I am being treated for them and I am hopeful 2016 is my year :) Please let me know if you need to talk, or have questions I have been through it all! Good luck and baby dust to all! 

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