Story about Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity .

A Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity story

Jul 22, 2016

Bell Canada decided to build a cell tower in our community.  A woman named Melissa Chalmers was handing out letters that raised awareness of the harmful health effects of living nearby to a cell tower  and being exposed to microwaves 24/7.

Another friend called me and said she didn't think it would be good for our community, so we all went to the Open House that Bell Canada hosted.  There, we were told that the tower would be built, and we didn't have any choice about that because Industry Canada had given the go ahead. We organized the Lakeshore Coalition as a community group raising awareness of ES, or EHS.

Melissa had me do the "2 week challenge", that is to stop using, turn off and avoid anything that emitted electromagnetic radiofrequency.

I found that my sleep became deep and restful; I lost all "arthritis" symptoms, and headaches were reduced.

In 2012 with the help of other group members Melissa Chalmers and Laureen Maurizio, I walked to Canada's Parliament Buildings to promote awareness of EHS to the country leaders and Canadians along the way.  Our effort was picked up by strong promotion from Frank Clegg and his national group C4ST (Canadians for Safe Technology).  My supplies driver and companion was Judy Watt of Grand Bend.  We had only known each other for two weeks prior to setting off to Ottawa!  :-)

Upon my return, I started having stronger reactions to exposures to microwave radiations, possibly because of the cell towers I walked by, or possibly the smart meters on my home, both water and hydro.

I began avoidance and stopped my cell phone plan in early 2013.  In 2014, I sought help from and osteopath, Josh Lloyd.  He performed massage and osteopathy for about 7 sessions over 7 weeks.  He explained that his goal was to get my immune system up and running properly again.  It was tied up in tense muscles and repressed from properly dispersing toxins from my system.  It helped immensely and although I have not seen an osteopath since, I seem to at present still experience far fewer symptoms of EHS.


 Note that I had never become hypersensitized at any point in time.


I hope that someday soon the Safety Code 6 will be revised to properly reflect the levels of allowable exposure (if there are any).

Sending hugs!






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